Top Safety Tips for Youth Fundraising

Top Safety Tips for Youth Fundraising

Kindergarten and Pre-school age brother and sister holding a box of World's Finest Chocolate

Youth volunteers are oftentimes the driving force behind your fundraising efforts. It is important that you have a plan in place to keep these young volunteers safe. There are a few steps you can take to make sure your fundraiser is safe and fun for everyone involved.

Travel in Groups

The young people who participate in your fundraiser should never be alone. They should always travel in groups and it is a good idea for an adult to supervise the efforts of each group. A good group size is six to eight kids. It is okay for teenagers to spread out from the group over an area in pairs. However, each member should be in sight of every other member of the group at all times.

Watch the Road

When sending your youth fundraiser participants out in the field they will likely spend a lot of time walking. It is important they understand how to remain safe while walking alongside or across roads. Make sure your kids understand they should walk on the sidewalk whenever possible. However, there will be times when a sidewalk is not available and it will become necessary to walk alongside the road. They should always walk facing traffic when walking along the road. Also, fundraisers should walk in a single file when a sidewalk is not available.

Your fundraiser participants should also be taught to only cross the street at an intersection. Tell them to wait for the light and keep a lookout for cars that may be turning into the intersection. Also, remember that the road is more dangerous in the summertime, so you should minimize foot traffic if at all possible. Here are some other considerations you should also keep in mind:

  • Be aware of runners and bikers
  • Wear bright and visible clothing
  • If listening to music, keep the volume low
  • No texting or talking

Safe Selling Practices

Fundraisers that include sales as part of their efforts need a plan for product sales and money collection that does not place volunteers in harm’s way. When selling items in public, you can set up a table at a grocery store or other location that receives heavy traffic. The volunteers working these tables should always work in groups and leave the location together.

Youth fundraisers are a fun and effective way to raise the money you need for your cause or event. There are not many things more rewarding than watching a group of enthusiastic kids work together to achieve a goal that they believe in. However, a plan must be in place to keep them safe as they do so.

For more questions or to get started with your next fundraiser, visit our fundraising page to connect with a rep or purchase directly.